WT3 Walking Tour: Jane Austen Walk
Bath Festivals
Sat 17 May ’25
Sun 25 May ’25
Sat 17 May ’25
Sun 25 May ’25
Sat 17 May ’2510:00 - 12:00Meet at Centre of Queen Square by the obelisk, BA1 2HQ
Sun 18 May ’2517:00 - 19:00Meet at Centre of Queen Square by the obelisk, BA1 2HQ
Tue 20 May ’2517:00 - 19:00Meet at Centre of Queen Square by the obelisk, BA1 2HQ
Thu 22 May ’2510:00 - 12:00Meet at Centre of Queen Square by the obelisk, BA1 2HQ
Sat 24 May ’2514:00 - 16:00Meet at Centre of Queen Square by the obelisk, BA1 2HQ
Sun 25 May ’2514:00 - 16:00Meet at Centre of Queen Square by the obelisk, BA1 2HQ