David Gray
Mon 17 Mar ’2519:30The Forum, BA1 1UG
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David adds, “Some unfinished songs just refuse to do the polite thing and go away. And that’s certainly true of this one, which had me going round in circles for nearly 20 years to the point where it almost drove me crazy. ‘Plus & Minus’ is based in part on a chord sequence that was born way back in 2004, and it’s no exaggeration to say that it has taken all those long, intervening years to fully resolve it. It’s an unusual sort of song for me to write in that it’s an out-and-out three minute pop song. In a slightly ‘Babylon’ style, it revolves around the same idea three times. In ‘Babylon’, we had Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Here we have ‘You know the way desire is … You know the way the light is … You know the way that time is.’ I could see that from the word go. It’s so full of hooks both lyrically and melodically that it needed a tight arrangement to really optimise their value. This took a LOT of work to get right, but we got there in the end…even if the end was 20 years on from the beginning!”
As well as changes in David’s life, an array of other events informed the album’s evolution. Its foundations were set in 2019, but progress was halted by Covid as well as the subsequent need to twice reschedule his huge White Ladder anniversary tour. Revisiting those songs was a reminder of the classic songcraft and electronic undercurrent that made them so memorable, yet David was also compelled to ambitiously broaden his palette, working with producer Ben de Vries to create dazzlingly rich orchestral strings, horns and woodwind arrangements to correspond with the scale of the themes. A change of location was also a factor, with much of the album recorded in a makeshift studio in Norfolk.
Gray is a songwriter’s songwriter, one of those rare artists who can express themselves as fully through lyrics as through melody, a richly poetic wordsmith with vast musical flair. Dear Life is a big statement, the work of a driven man obsessively focused on a personal artistic journey.
David adds, “A lot has happened to me. There’s been change on so many levels, all the ups and downs and dramas and tragedies and joys that the slow movement through life brings. This record has been a reckoning with stuff that’s been building up like static for years. But I say this with joy and a smile on my face. I know what I’ve done is as good as anything I could possibly do.”