Towards the Light
The Handful
St Mary's Church, Bathwick
MENUTickets can be booked online up until 12 noon Saturday 19 March. Any remaining tickets will then be available to buy on the door.
KodaÌly’s Missa brevis, first performed in this version to the accompaniment of distant gunfire during the siege of Budapest, while the composer and his wife took refuge in the cellars of the opera house, frames a programme of luscious Lenten music ranging from Lotti’s 8-part Crucifixus, famous for its luxuriously long and indulgent suspensions, dissonances and resolutions, to the world premiere of Via crucis by Peter Relph. Commissioned by The Handful in 2019, his setting of the Stations of the Cross is designed as a meditative procession with melodies inspired by medieval plainchant, Cumbrian folk song and contemporary classical music.
The Handful is delighted to be joined by Peter King, Organist Emeritus of Bath Abbey.
Also in the programme:
JordaÌn Padre, a tus manos
MacMillan Lux aeterna
Daley Upon your heart
Gowers Libera me
JanaÌcÌŒek Ave Maria (Varyto)
Pärt Bogoroditse Dyevo
‘Such variety, and such technical prowess! Nothing more beautiful to listen to than a chamber choir singing quietly!’ audience member