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Bath Bach Choir presents JS Bach’s Magnificat in D major and Marianna Martines’s Dixit Dominus and Laudate Pueri Dominum

Bath Abbey

This summer Bath Bach Choir proudly presents an exciting and inspiring evening of orchestral and choral music by two masters of Baroque music. The choir is delighted to announce that the concert will be recorded - a world-first for Marianna Martines’ joyful setting of Psalm 112 Laudate Pueri Dominum from which the concert takes is name! Join them in the awe-inspiring setting of Bath Abbey to hear some of the finest works of the 18th century!

The choir will be joined by the virtuoso Geldart Ensemble to perform Bach’s Magnificat in D major, marking the 300th anniversary of the first performance of this splendid work. The choir regularly includes in its programme works by the outstanding composer whose name it proudly bears; the Magnificat is a long-standing favourite with singers and audiences alike. Bach put his heart into writing this hymn of praise in order to prove his skills to his new employers in Leipzig and audiences are still thrilled by those soaring sounds. The Geldart Ensemble, fine exponents of Baroque music, will delight us with their performance of Bach’s Orchestral Suite No 3, featuring the famous Air on the G string.

The choir will also perform two sublime pieces by one of Bach’s near-contemporaries, Marianna Martines, a lady admired by both Haydn and Mozart but whose compositions have been unjustly neglected for centuries – until now. Much-acclaimed in Vienna in her day, Martines was a genius, a trailblazing female musician, acknowledged by her contemporaries as one of the greatest of her age. The Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110) is probably her finest composition, a sacred masterpiece; alongside this will be a rare opportunity to hear her remarkable setting of Laudate Pueri Dominum (Psalm 112).

Musical Director, Benedict Collins Rice says: “I am delighted once again to be bringing musical delights to the splendour of Bath Abbey. There will be well-known favourites and some new discoveries to delight everyone.”

Johann Sebastian Bach
Magnificat in D major BWV 243
Orchestral Suite No 3 in D major BWV 1068

Marianna Martines
Dixit Dominus
Laudate Pueri Dominum

Anna Cavaliero soprano
Jess Dandy alto
Hugo Hymas tenor
Malachy Frame baritone 

Geldart Ensemble
Rachel Stroud, leader

Marcus Sealy organ continuo
Benedict Collins Rice conductor

£30 (*£15) / £28 (*£14) / £25 (*£12.50) / £16 (*£8) / £11 (*£5.50)
*Concessions for students and U18s


This concert will be dedicated to Nigel Perrin
4 November 1947 - 23 June 2024