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An Audience Without Jake Thackray

the life and songs of the enigmatic Yorkshire Chansonnier

Jake would have loved the skill of the performance, the accuracy of the impression, and the affection it contains. Long may John continue to keep Jake’s memory alive so affectionately and skilfully, and introduce more people to one of the most remarkable talents I ever met.” Sir Richard Stilgoe

Brilliant! We can’t have Jake back but this is the next best thing.’ Mike Harding

John Watterson’s obvious joy in performing Jake’s wonderful songs has inspired him to record these Thackray gems, many of which are receiving their first ever release. My dear friend Jake was a modest and shy man, but I think he would be quietly grinning in approval. John’s collaborator, Paul Thompson, has immersed himself so deeply in Jake’s musicality that the new tunes he has written for some of the songs sound as if they were composed by the man himself. Jake lives again through this album, which is a wonderful contribution to the canon of a unique and sadly missed artist.’ Ralph McTell

Wonderful stuff, bringing some of Jake's long-forgotten gems back to life. Brilliantly performed songs, with uncannily precise enunciation, and accurately capturing the unique Thackray guitar style. If Jake was right, and there really is an afterlife, he'll undoubtedly be looking down and giving his gruff approval.’ Victor Lewis-Smith (Producer, 'Jake on the Box' BBC 4)

Terrific interpretations'. Don Black (Songwriter and BBC Radio 2 presenter)



An Audience Without Jake Thackray