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¡Ay Andar!

An exploration of the 17th and 18th century music of Mexico, Peru and Bolivia.

Holy Trinity Church

¡Ay Andar! acts as an introduction to the 17th and 18th century music of Mexico, Peru and Bolivia, much of it little known in the UK. The programme focuses mainly on the music of Juan de Araujo, who has been described as one of the greatest composers of the age. He was born in Spain in 1646 and emigrated at a young age to South America with his parents, before working as organist at Lima Cathedral, and then spending the last 32 years of his life as organist at the cathedral of La Plata, now known as the Bolivian judicial capital of Sucre. Araujo was prolific, and both at ease in the academic style required in liturgical music and equally at home in the foot-tapping style of the villancicos.

Our programme also features the work of Francisco Hernández, a native Peruvian composer. Sancta Maria, e! is an exquisite miniature set in Nahuatl, the language informally known as Aztec. By contrast, Hanacpachap cussicuinin is set for four voices in Sapphic verse in the Quechua language, the language of the Incas. The music is thought to be the earliest printed polyphony on the continent of South America. Accompanied by chamber organ, percussion and harp, Paragon Singers are delighted to bring this stunning and unique repertoire to the beautiful setting of Bradford on Avon’s Holy Trinity Church, for what will be an unmissable evening of music



¡Ay Andar!